Thursday, May 3, 2007

some points about ego

A defintition of ego I find quite useful: ego is that self-conception which has no basis (or little basis) in reality, to which you have developed attachment or repulsion. I like this definition because it can include mental states as shyness or self-loathing.

One way I have been experiancing ego-creation lately is in the way I re-hash past experiances. If they seem to reflect negatively on me I will often find myself trying to remember them differently so that I am painted in a better light or as the hero. One good reason to stay mentally vigilant and to live in the present.

You might wonder what is wrong with being egotistical. After all, some people are just better than others. The point is that this is usually only in a few aspects -- since there is such variety in humanity. And, that it undermines the potential growth of other peoples skills (because your assumption of superiority is demotivating). The last and most important point, is that because your ego is often not based in reality and because existence is constantly changing, what you feel egotistical about now will be lost (the obvious example is beauty, but I think it works for all ego states). And with this loss comes unhappiness.

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